News Around Hollywood

  • Jack Warner was contacted by the government of Yugoslavia to inform him that they were remitting one half of the taxes collected on three of their films just to make known their appreciation for the oportunity to show these films (Life of Louis Pasteur, China Clipper, and White Angel). The country of Egypt went one better when it came to the Pasteur biopic, and withdrew all the taxes.
  • Also Warner Brothers announced the remake of ‘Dawn Patrol’ to star Errol Flynn and a cast of English actors. For director the name of Edmund Goulding is proposed. [Goulding did indeed direct this time around. Howard Hawks helmed the first one in 1930. This remake was released in time for Christmas 1938].
  • The latest rumor about the Swedish Sphinx, Greta Garbo is to play a Russian emigre in a chic comedy for MGM – [Ninotchka – one of the biggies for 1939, actually she would be a visiting Soviet woman with utter disdain for capitalism and no thought of leaving Russia].
  • Twentieth Century Fox will borrow Henry Fonda from Walter Wanger to star as Frank James with Tyrone Power in the title role of ‘Jesse James.’ Production will commence in about two months, after the completion of ‘Suez.’

On the Move

  • Joseph Schenck left New York for the Coast, having been east for two weeks.
  • President of 20th Century Fox Sidney R Kent speaks at the IASTE convention in Cleveland. On hand were the IATSE heads George E Browne and William Bioff. [These two union reps – the first the national president and the second the local California boss, had a ‘good’ thing going. They skimmed from their members’ dues, and pocketed extortion money from the studios anxious to avoid strikes. Not surprising when you consider that they were connected to the Capone gang in Chicago. Bioff’s villainy would be exposed in 1939].
  • Alfred Hitchcock arrives in NY from London.
  • Pat O’Brien returned from NY, to prepare for his role in ‘Angels with Dirty Faces.’ 

Per Ed Sullivan

  • As for Pat O’Brien’s return to LA, Ed Sullivan adds the additional detail that he came back early from his Broadway vacation, because his adopted daughter Mavourneen was ill.
  • Errol Flynn’s agent, Myron Selznick, is pushing for a bump in salary for his client based on the success of Robin Hood.
  • Marlene Dietrich paid $370,000 in taxes last year – $135,000 per leg.
  • Cary Grant and Phyllis Brooks are making up for lost time. [Although only two films (Bringing Up Baby and Holiday) had Grant tied up for at the first half of 1938, soon he would be working on Gunga Din, followed by Plane No 4, both for release in 1939. As for Brooks she had 8 films at Twentieth that kept her busy. She was on track to be the second Mrs Grant, but things had cooled by the end of 1939].

On the Injured List

  • Ian Hunter, a victim of dog bites, was placed out of action for a few weeks and was replaced by John Litel in ‘Three Girls on Broadway’ at WB. He most recently appeared in ‘The Adventures of Robin Hood’ as King Richard, the Lion-Heart. [Don’t worry, he makes it back for nine films in 1939, including ‘The Little Princess’ in which he played Shirley Temple’s missing soldier-father].

By rwoz2