The Year Was 1938 – August 19
NEWS AROUND HOLLYWOOD PER ED SULLIVAN OUTSIDE HOLLYWOOD Mrs Lionel Atwill reports to the Baltimore police that their home (Rainbow Hill in Green Spring Valley, Maryland) was robbed while they…
Looking to encourage people through my writings. I will be publishing poetry, performing arts works, and novels.
NEWS AROUND HOLLYWOOD PER ED SULLIVAN OUTSIDE HOLLYWOOD Mrs Lionel Atwill reports to the Baltimore police that their home (Rainbow Hill in Green Spring Valley, Maryland) was robbed while they…
Born on This Day News Around Hollywood Outside Hollywood Tombstone AZ has put itself up for sale. Once a town of 7000, it is now only a village of 500.…
News Around Hollywood Stars in Other News Item of Interest One hears stories about the malapropisms perpetrated by Samuel Goldwyn, like the declaration – “Include me out.” Columnist Sidney Skolsky…
News Around Hollywood Contract Time Items of Interest