Look! Look! A Sixth Book Cover Version
Two days to go before my third publication comes out. Available for preorder on Applebooks. Amazon for Kindle, paperback and hardbound soon.
Looking to encourage people through my writings. I will be publishing poetry, performing arts works, and novels.
Two days to go before my third publication comes out. Available for preorder on Applebooks. Amazon for Kindle, paperback and hardbound soon.
The ebook for Diary of the End of the World is now available. The paperback will be soon. I’m waiting on the proof copy for review, and will announce when…
Using Direct2Digital as my aggregator for publishing has many advantages. One that I really like is their addition of making your book available to Overdrive (and their newer app Libby).…
Ebooks for my first novel “Diary of the End of the World” are now available for pre-order. Follow the link to find your favorite online bookstore. Paperbacks may be ordered…