Poem Recital – the Shame and the Glory
The Problem with Me I started out as a child. A shy child. Introverted was the word for it. And it did not go unnoticed, in particular among the teachers…
Looking to encourage people through my writings. I will be publishing poetry, performing arts works, and novels.
The Problem with Me I started out as a child. A shy child. Introverted was the word for it. And it did not go unnoticed, in particular among the teachers…
The Great American Pastime Some kids while growing up break an arm or a leg. I broke my head at Palmer Cove Park. The park sat in back of Saltonstall…
The Haunting Shadow One shadow lingers over my memories of Forest River Park. A dark shadow. His name was Albert. He was in the same grade at Saltonstall as me.…
The Apartment Our apartment in Salem was also on Lafayette Street (like Saltonstall School in last week’s post). So it was a short walk to and from school every day.…
Going to School in Salem Mass Saltonstall School in Salem Massachusetts was located (and still is) on Lafayette Street, one of the main thoroughfares leading south out of the center…
A Tough Year The fourth grade for me was a tough year. I began the school year in Spokane. My father’s job of ferrying minuteman missiles around to the silos…